Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Releasing Negative Behavior Patterns

I’ve decided to do a little mini-series this week focusing on recognizing and releasing negative behavior patterns.  I’ve been struggling with a lot myself as I move into this new routine, lifestyle, and worldview.  Sometimes we have to consciously take the time to remember that we have the power to create whatever we want in our lives.  Therefore, there’s no need for negativity.

We often find ourselves “addicted” to negative patterns.  

There’s something that feels good about trauma, drama, and stress.  Perhaps it’s due to the high-strung, fast-paced nature of our society, but for some reason, we find ourselves craving and devouring it.  That’s why it’s hard to change the channel when The Kardashians is on.  And why we like to gossip.  And why we go through our significant other’s phone, searching for evidence of betrayal or lies.

Anger, Jealousy, Fear, Bitterness, Resentment, Sadness, Pain – They’re all negative emotional patterns that we are choosing to feel.

When we aren’t able to let these negative patterns go, they become a destructive cycle in our lives, always popping up as the roadblocks to our successes.  Most of these negative patterns are going to be so engrained within our subconscious that sometimes we don’t even realize the havoc they are wreaking on our lives. 

When we recognize that certain patterns (ways of thinking, habits, etc.) are no longer serving our good, we have to replace them with more positive habits and patterns.

This is a time when deep self-reflection and self-observation is important.  

We have to realize what those negative patterns are, observe how they unconsciously come out in our every day lives, and then do what needs to be done to fix them and stop the destructive cycle.

To do all this, you must identify the destructive cycles within yourself and come up with some personal ways to release the negative so that you can welcome and create the positive. 

For me, my main destructive cycles are lack of self-confidence (i.e. feelings of unworthiness) and anxious, stressful thought patterns.

Despite my successes and the encouragement and support I receive from others, I really lack in the self-confidence area.  I believe in myself, and I think I kick ass most of the time, but when it comes to following my destiny and having the confidence to become all I know I’m meant to become, I’m slacking a bit.  Then I deal with the almost too-humble side of me that feels I’m not worthy or deserving of all this good the universe has to offer me.  Then, I get into these really destructive, almost self-loathing moods here I’m overcome with so much anxiety and worry that it’s hard to breathe.  I deal with a lot of negative self-talk and don’t love myself nearly as much as I love others.  (Who else has these rollercoasters?? Surely I’m not the only one.)

There are different ways to handle these negative patterns and let them go.  Affirmations are probably the best.  Take everything negative you say about yourself or your situation and turn it into a positive affirmation.

“I’m such a bad friend” turns into “I give light and love to all who are close to me.”

 “I can’t do anything right” turns into “I’m a carrier of the light; all that I think, say, and do expresses divinity.”

Affirmations retrain our brains to have new thought patterns.  The more we say these things about who we are, the more they’ll start to manifest in the world around us.  We’ll eventually truly believe these things and therefore BE them.  (More on this to come!)

Converting energy is another good way to deal with destructive patterns.  All emotion and behavior is energy – sadness, anger, fear, negativity, joy, love, gratitude.  They all have vibrational frequencies and resonate within us.

When we start to feel angry, we feel all sorts of energy moving within us.  Our hearts might start racing, faces might get flushed, hands might get shaky, etc.  We’re filled with high-power energy and we might want to yell or scream or cry or throw things.  Take that energy and put it into something else.  Go clean the house, hit a punching bag, go for a jog – whatever it takes.  Don’t let all that energy boil over in anger, fear, or hate.  

All emotion is energy and all energy can be converted.  We have the power to choose the experiences we have in life.  Making a conscious effort to convert negative energy into something more positive,  you’ll be one step close to creating the life you want for yourself. 

Release destructive habits and patterns and create positive ones!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Learning to be Vulnerable to Achieve My Highest Good

I finally have the schedule I’ve always dreamed of.  I have all the time in the world to write anddo all the things I want to do.  So Idecided today was the day to write!  I’vespent the last week getting caught up on things around the house, and now I’mready!  I’m ready to write, ready toblog, ready to become the woman I want to be. 

I got up this morning feeling energized and ready for theday.  I had my coffee and did my morningreading and meditation.  I decided tostart one of my new books: Writing Down Your Soul – How to Activate and Listento the Extraordinary Voice Within by Janet Conner.  What a perfect way to start the first day ofmy new life as a writer!

Within the first few pages of Conner’s book, I washooked.   It’s like she previewed myreader’s-brain and highlighted all of my deepest desires.  She combined two of my favorite things –writing and spirituality.  Not only wouldI learn how to be a deeper, more thought-provoking writer, I would also accessthe craved divinity within me and grow as a divinely inspired being.

When I finished the first few chapters, I was ready!  I was eager to grab that red leather journalof mine that hasn’t been written in for a month and give it an update!  This journal had become my haven.  It’s the first journal that I’ve consistentlywritten in over the past year, and it’s where I’m most honest.  I’ve never allowed myself to write as honestlyas I do in this little red book.  Thus, I’venever really shared any of the writing that it contains.  Until now.

I turned to the next empty page and put the date at thetop.  I started enthusiastically, “So2013 is underway!”  I then started torecount the past few weeks in a boring play-by-play manner.  All of a sudden I stopped and literally wrote“Blah Blah Blah” in big letters across the page.

I was boring myself…not a good sign for this writingneophyte.

I then wrote, “I don’t want to write to simply record andrecount my life experiences.  I want towrite to find life-changing meaning and to share that with others.”

Then I burst into tears.

(My heart is beating so hard right now as I type this.)

For some reason, all these feelings of unsettledness anddiscontentment surfaced.  I have theabsolute, most perfect life right now.  Ihave all this free time to explore my spirituality and to write about myjourney.  I have this cute little home(literally, tiny) in the mountains, and a gorgeous husband who adores me.  Seriously.  What’s wrong with me??!

And this is what came out:

“I’m so excited to start all of this, so why am I in tearsright now?  Why do I still have thisindescribable feeling of discontentment? Why do I want to just burst into sobs and throw this journal across theroom?

Am I still full of fear? Am I afraid to speak my mind?  DoI just not believe in myself?  Why iswriting so painful sometimes?  SometimesI feel like I don’t know what I’m doing. Who am I to write and teach?

Oh, that’s right…because it’s my destiny.  But that means I have to make myselfvulnerable, and that’s excruciating for me.”

Then I did burstinto sobs.  (But don’t worry, the belovedjournal remained intact in my lap.)  Isat and sobbed for a little while, processing everything I was feeling.  I admitted that I don’t fully believe inmyself and that I have a lot of fear about sharing my writing.  (Same with singing – I feel exposed.)  But, as BrenĂ© Brown has been teaching me, it takes vulnerability to achieve pure joy, love,fulfillment, and more.  So in the spiritof vulnerability, I was able to pull myself together and decided to pick up mylaptop and write.

 (And my heart isstill pounding.)

I’ve always felt that I had a story to share and that doingso would help others in their lives.  SoI’m going to Dare Greatly and Live Courageously.  I’m going to share myself more than I everhave before.  I’m going to (force myselfto) be vulnerable and speak from within. I release all fear, doubt, and worry. And I allow healing to happen.

It’s time for me to be the woman I want to be.  And that means putting myself out there forjudgment, criticism, and failure.

With intentions set and a purpose to fill, I set out tocreate the life I’ve dreamed of.  I holdthe power to do anything I choose, and I choose to be happy and prosperous (and a writer).

You hold that power, too, you know.  What will you choose to be today?

Love and Light,
